Your Stamp and Seal Professionals

Maryland Professional Certification


Maryland Professional Certification

Effective July 2, 2007, Maryland professional engineers are required to include the following additional certification when signing and sealing plans, specifications, drawings, reports, or other documents.

The additional certification is intended to promote awareness among Maryland professional engineers regarding the status of their professional engineers' license and reduce the occurrences of practicing engineering with an expired license, according to DLLR Amendments to Titleblock Rules COMAR

If you would like to use this stamp for another state, type the state in the optional state field to replace 'Maryland' with your desired state.

XL2-720 1" x 4" Black Ink

"Professional Certification. I hereby certify that these Documents
were prepared or approved by me, and that I am a duly licensed
professional  engineer  under  the  laws  of  the  State  of  Maryland.
License  No.___________Expiration Date: ____________________"

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