As of Jan. 1, 2025, we will no longer accept credit card purchases. We will only utilize Paypal. We have remaining inventory to reduce but will be closing our business soon. We value all of our customers over the years and wish you well in your future endeavors.
Stamps for All your Business needs.
If you don't see what you are looking for,
email: or call (712) 251-5559
If you have issues at checkout, be certain you are using the credit card billing address as your bill to address.
We have pre-inked rubber professional certification stamps for the
We understand the construction industry and the submittal process. We carry many stamps to assist the Architect and Engineer. We have several variations to meet your needs such as General Review, Shop Drawing Review and our most popular Shop Drawing Submittal Review stamp with five options, and many more. Many include the option to personalize with your company name.
Are you looking to replace your paper inked stamp process with an electronic shop drawing submittal review process? We can supply an electronic (dynamic) stamp fully functional to input unique information each time you place your stamp. Find out more here.
Site Navigation & General Product Information
To access stamps and seals applicable to your profession, click on Professional Seals then the type of profession in the left menu, then choose the applicable state. We make every effort to maintain up-to-date state guidelines for state specific stamps.
We have two levels of pre-inked stamps. The PSI and SS models will perform approximately 20,000 impressions before it is necessary to re-ink. The XL2 models will perform approximately 50,000 impressions before it is necessary to re-ink. Both models are of excellent quality. Odds are you will never have to replace our stamps unless the information you require has changed.